Monday, January 11, 2021



They say there are angels trapped in marble tiles

I’m a porcelain vessel with water inside

One day the forests will regrow

 and everything will change

Until then, perhaps I should

Friday, April 12, 2019


Just when you decide,

Where it hides?

It's Invisible.

I have waited for you

I have been waiting years for you,
Sweet thing.
When you got my hopes up
And then disappointed me,
I was still committed to you
and waiting.

You and me
We're destiny
You don't know,
I'm yours.

I have an itch

I got bit today
Sometimes bites are good
They prompt you to change.
Other times they steal your lifeforce
and pump you with disease.

A crown

I wear a crown upon my head
And think of all the words I've said
To make it to the thrown i sit
And subjugate my delegates.

These measly people,
 lost without me,
I their queen,
So nobly founding
A future where they live in peace
Or one they die for my release.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Something real

I want to give you something real right now,
Tommy please, Tommy, if you've​ ever been my friend
My mind is like the end of a record
Black like I'm falling into the abyss
I don't like it
I'm depressed
And every thought of mine is killing me
Why this time?
How do I fight them?-- Depré, and how do I win?

Saturday, April 29, 2017


The relationship you have with your dog
Is the summation of all others.
How you manage her
is how you react to others.