Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A battle of Symbols

It’s a battle of symbols
Where do you fit in?
Are you Lancelot to Guin?
Odysseus to Pen?
Or Don Juan and his trickery?
I don’t know. You're a nobody.

You're just a Knight—
—but Dark? Or White?
A chess piece in The Seventh Seal.
And I believe all of this is real.
Keep me up to date
Let me be part of fate.
Will you take care of me
Are you sworn to me?
I don’t want anyone but you
And I trust you.

But this thing called Karma
It can round kick bite you
Make you feel like you have
 no control
It can hurt you
Be careful with your actions
You need to have full satisfactions.
And guilt is heavy
It will raise a levy
--All your actions taxed sadly
Your control over yourself would become deadly
I don’t want to see you a zombie
A slave to all your shame about me.

How do I get a handle on all of them?