Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Am I fine

Am I fine (with people using me?)

I think that's the point
I want to be used
& Exploited, and
utilized in any way possible
but, just as long as it is real;
not robotic,
not like I was just the first or only
person to come around,
and not ungratefully.

I want someone to see my potential
& tap into it, and claim it for their own
& brag about me
& how they got me.

Please, tie me up,
lock me in your tower
Keep me for yourself
I'm yours
--And I'll promise
You'll never
Get bored.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dinner Tonight, Enchiladas with Sugar

I see now,
why it has never worked for me.

She's an Enchilada,
and I'm pure Sugar.

We don't mix well,
because I'm too sweet
and she's too hot
and I keep sweetening
when she needs to cool down.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Prison of Living

I am confined to a life of leisure--
How annoying!
Everything is in order
But I must wait

Try to break out?
You think I haven't tried!
It always comes back to the American Dream
Which makes up the bars of my cell

Free books in the library
Unlimited movies online
Even free Video Games
Occupy my time

But it is hollow and I am empty
I have no one and no one has me
Yet I am free, and what good is it?
I may save and earn and will obtain all in time

What good is a life of this sort?
My hardest debate is, eat in or eat out?
I'm bored wasting away
Lying on the couch eating shit all day

I'm fit 'cause I'm active
And I eat healthy
Yet I do not want this
Can't you see?