Thursday, June 8, 2017

Something real

I want to give you something real right now,
Tommy please, Tommy, if you've​ ever been my friend
My mind is like the end of a record
Black like I'm falling into the abyss
I don't like it
I'm depressed
And every thought of mine is killing me
Why this time?
How do I fight them?-- Depré, and how do I win?

Saturday, April 29, 2017


The relationship you have with your dog
Is the summation of all others.
How you manage her
is how you react to others.


I am like a home town, and you an adventurer.
You leave and return,
Long for me when you are away,
And feel secure when you are near me.
When you spend too much time with me, you get anxious--you want to get out and see the world!
You change every time you leave,
And I accept you always on your return,
Sometimes I hold parties for your victories, and always you are greeted warmly;
 but one day I change, and you worry that I'm losing the things you hold most dear.
Am I your hometown?
Will you bitter and abandon the city that took you in,
Or will you be buried within my reach?