Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A battle of Symbols

It’s a battle of symbols
Where do you fit in?
Are you Lancelot to Guin?
Odysseus to Pen?
Or Don Juan and his trickery?
I don’t know. You're a nobody.

You're just a Knight—
—but Dark? Or White?
A chess piece in The Seventh Seal.
And I believe all of this is real.
Keep me up to date
Let me be part of fate.
Will you take care of me
Are you sworn to me?
I don’t want anyone but you
And I trust you.

But this thing called Karma
It can round kick bite you
Make you feel like you have
 no control
It can hurt you
Be careful with your actions
You need to have full satisfactions.
And guilt is heavy
It will raise a levy
--All your actions taxed sadly
Your control over yourself would become deadly
I don’t want to see you a zombie
A slave to all your shame about me.

How do I get a handle on all of them?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Lonely Death

I'm dead
But all my friends say I'm alive
No matter how hard I try,
No one will let me pass on.

I bite my lip
Are these fangs?
Why does my skin fall on the floor
Every day that passes by?

I go for walks
Down these streets
People look right through me
And as they pass I get no eyes.

If I'm alive,
Be with me--
--Gather near
Fear me not!

Yet, my Head feels like a Stone and
My heart is cold
Whenever I'm alone

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Year

A Year

What can you do with it
In one or five or ten
that some can do with one
Each breath you take
will it be worth the five
that one takes
Or each moment you live
will you waste it away
never to accomplish a thing
Your life will end one day
you will be all out of breath
but can you account
for the air you took
what do you say
what did you do with it all
Choose each moment you take
each breath you have
and make something of it
So that when it may take others
ten to achieve what you’ve done in one
you’ll realize how far you’ve gone
when you have none.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Don't fight my fire
it's too hot for you
and you'll be burned.

Am I mean?
Sure I'm mean
I'm a mirror
everything you say
everything you do
you see it reflect off me

If you want to see me
You'll have to see yourself first
And when you know who you are
You'll understand who I am

A Deal

Here's the deal
I know how to reframe life
thousands of times

If I don't want to be sad
I won't be
If I don't want you to be sad
I can convince you

But I expect you to never leave me.

Because a man told me once
in this life you'll fight death
you'll fight ignorance
you'll fight purpose
and you'll fight isolation.

But if you've got someone with you
you'll win isolation
your someone will be your purpose
you won't care what you don't know
and when you die, you'll know you lived life properly

Anyone who tries to tell you someone isn't worth it

The only thing that counts in this life
is how you've treated others.

And if you ever turn your back
close your door
shut them out
and lose contact

What does your life count for?

You wasted it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Little more

I'm not cut out for this
The TV says it's alright
But the paper shows lies
And documents hidden deep
prove they're right

Just like Justin
I keep turning my head
east, west, north
and there's no one
They're all gone.

I borrow Odin's eye
to see if I can peer at my life
but I see no future
Odin was blind
There's nothing in it for me

Each day I get
A little more desperate
I'm not living
I'm wasting away
And each day I die

The more I read
The more I learn
The more I don't care
That I'm here
And I'm all alone

Is this Dante's Hell
What'd I ever do to get here
I know I'm not a saint
but I don't know
If I'm a sinner either

I try responsibility
But they don't want me
And I carry around these weights
I've got Atlas' shoulders
And I can't bear it

I've gotta get out
But there's only one way
To escape this life
I'm too chicken
To pull the trigger

I'm always running on empty
Fill me up
Make me whole
At least fix my leak
And make me better