Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Deal

Here's the deal
I know how to reframe life
thousands of times

If I don't want to be sad
I won't be
If I don't want you to be sad
I can convince you

But I expect you to never leave me.

Because a man told me once
in this life you'll fight death
you'll fight ignorance
you'll fight purpose
and you'll fight isolation.

But if you've got someone with you
you'll win isolation
your someone will be your purpose
you won't care what you don't know
and when you die, you'll know you lived life properly

Anyone who tries to tell you someone isn't worth it

The only thing that counts in this life
is how you've treated others.

And if you ever turn your back
close your door
shut them out
and lose contact

What does your life count for?

You wasted it.

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