Friday, April 9, 2010


By Kyle Oakeson

I saw the sun
It crept along
High in the sky
where the birds all fly
and I alone
Sit at my home
Happy for the day

When I was young I was the son
I might not’ve been the best of one
but I learned the most important thing
that a boy should learn before he grows into a man

I saw the sun
It crept along
High in the sky,
Where I could fly
I alone
Sit on the porch
strum my guitar
and sing these words

I keep my head way up high
I take a walk around the town
People must think I am fly
And some day I will rise the sky

I saw the sun
it crept along
The time goes by
I’m so relaxed
I know the facts
that make the glad
I’ve learned to always be happy for my life.

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