What you’ve lost
By Kyle Oakeson
Sure, that’s what they all say!
You’d better be careful,
before someone takes that away.
He could take it from you
in a blink of an eye;
you’d think you liked it too.
But when it’s gone you know
he tricked you hard,
and you have no where to go.
Your something turns to nothing
worth nothing anymore
and still you hide it’s missing
Gone right out the door.
And then you change;
you’re not who you used to be
Friends you loose and more you gain
but the thing you lost is gone for good,
you’ve tried to take it back,
but others you have taken from
and they too want theirs back.
It’s a never ending cycle
in which you think you’ve won
because you have so many
yet you don’t even have your own.
You sure aren’t happy
at all the results,
but you’ve changed now,
even when it really hurts.
What a drive you been on,
deep down under town.
Where neon blurs
and slurs misstep
You tumble cobblestone
In reality, think logically
What are you missing?
Is it youth’s first innocence,
or life’s abandonment?
If you count me of your friends I’ll tell,
true and honestly.
That what you’ve lost is what he took,
and then you took it from them.
I see why you are so sad now,
when you’ve gone and done all that
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