Friday, September 2, 2011



I stand on the edge of a yellow wood,
Something that every writer eventually would.
My understanding, my voice
It comes down to choice
Do I choose this style?
What makes up a Kyle?
I often feel it is my wit
That sucks out brains with
My muse laboring in intelligent words.
But it could as easily be the words
Themselves insightful and not I
As each line goes bye and by.  
I should say it is my subject that counts
But there is no mathematics or amounts
And none of my subjects are the same
Because to repeat, in my mind, would be lame.
I suppose my style is that of the berserker
Because at times I am quite the jerk
I don’t even make patterns for myself
Because most of these poems sit on my shelf
I never touch them once I write them.
It is my head, while it is in REM
That writes these lines.
My style must be the mine
To the gems that are lodged in my brain. 

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